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sábado, 16 de junio de 2012


Cabo San Lucas Mexico is a city located at the southern tip of the peninsula of Baja California and Baja California Sur. When it is winter, groups of whales can be seen offshore. It is a magical land where crystal clear waters, pristine beaches, world class golf and unparalleled natural beauty, which has mesmerized all visitors who have spent their holidays in this paradise desert.

viernes, 15 de junio de 2012

This is the photo when visited the malintzi whith my family in december. Went up that day when there was snow, snow wars we played and took pictures.Also ate at a cabin, play football, games and finally we visited the place.

He  was born December 16, 1770 .. as a child took the piano, organ and clarinet. When he was eleven years old he published his first composition. Was a great composer and piano teacher.

martes, 12 de junio de 2012

This in picture me meeting whith my cousins in the ride the NEW YEAR. This place is Chignahuapan.. this is very beatiful because when we  go fog had.


This is the photo when  we the 2° "b" win the championship who  organized the school...  In this picture are  my colleague of  soccer team who are Rodrigo,Nestor,Christian,Diego,Juan Pablo,Francisco, Jose Carlos, Carlos and me. In the end us gave trophy and ball by win......